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The unified gesture

There is a functional unity between intention, gesture and breath, which we know instinctively, and which we can make more conscious.

Energy spread from the center to the extremity, accorded to our desire of communication. This desire is supported by extensor chain. In the following pictures you can note the differents involvement of the extensor chains :


The gracefulness expression of Josephine Baker, who is not singing, requires nothing more than a soft opening of chest.

The jovial presence of Roberto Alagna, singing with a micro, requires a slightly bigger involvement of the extensor of the spine, and of the hands. On the nest picture, while singing a more dramatic opera, the eyes are more present, the hand is more open.

In the terrific interpretation of Medea from Maria Callas, you can see the over extension of hands, eyes, mouth...


Arts based on the activity of the body, danse, martial arts, and singing, require a very fine adjustment betwenn every muscle chains.


When one get this perfect mastery,the full involvement of all the body is not so obvious, on the contrary it looks like being deeply relaxed.


But this relaxation highly energetic, and it communicates to the spectator the sensation of an intense and vibrant artistic presence.

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